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Friday, August 15, 2014

Add Meta Description to Blogger

Meta Description Blogger

The most important part of blogging is SEO and meta tags which are added to the header of website that helps users visiting your site, these tag are used for giving information about the page, like the description, title, key word date and author name.

All to be mention in one is the meta description in Blogger. This helps in search results as when you are sharing a post on your social site like Facebook, Google+ and other social networks, this also helps by getting visitors to your blog and increase visits and clicks.

Let's start working on the meta Meta Description in Blogger

All of the first thing is go to your Blogger dashboard next you need to go to preferences> Meta Tags> then Description and click on the Edit button as shown in the image below.

Meta Description Blogger

Click on the check box "Yes" for enabling search description and click save button.

The Second Part Add Meta Description to Individual Posts

This part you need to add a small description about your page or post.

Meta Description Blogger

Now you can check using the MetaChecker online tool.

If none of this meta description appears to be failed you can add it manually by going to Template Edit HTML and before the </b:skin> tag add the following code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
  <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
The last part is to recheck using the tool.

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